HummingbirdGoogle Hummingbird was released in August 30, 2013 to help integrate content better with the Knowledge Graph.
Change in Communication |
Previous keyword focused searches on desktop computers are now spoken keyword phrases in sentence structures while talking to Siri on Apple, Cortana on Windows and Google on Android. This update happened just in time for the Xbox One released three months later on November 22. My husband got ours a few months later and I honestly don't even know how to use a remote control anymore.
Spoken Searches |
Hummingbird makes provision for the changes in how we communicate with our devices, ranking sites with multiple keyword phrases higher in search results.
On my website |
Looking at your target market and predicting possible keyword phrase searches to incorporate into your website is key. Try to keep your blog with a spoken tone in a relaxed conversation manner. Clinic textbook writing is something of the last. Reviews are also another way to get some spoken words on your website, especially reviews answering a question. An FAQ with questions and answers can be the difference between being utilizing and benefiting from Hummingbird or not.
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