ZebraGoogle Zebra was first mentioned by Google employee Matt Cutts on March 8, 2013 at a session on ‘How to tank better in Google & Bing’ at the SXSW conference in Austin.
Merchant Quality Update |
This update is aimed at online merchants and the quality of their stores. With the rapid growth of online shopping and celebrated trends such as Cyber Monday, Zebra is the natural response to the shopping evolution. Zebra rewards quality stores focused on a good user experience and penalizes mediocre stores aimed at revenue without the user in mind.
Online Safety |
Often times low quality merchant sites do not have SSL and do not offer a secure domain for paying. With hackers and identity theft rising, this environment places users in harms way.
Pressure to Advertise |
As Google Shopping is an eCommerce empire in itself for Google Product Search, Zebra does not seems very tough on Small Merchants and is impossible to compete with. The requirements to add your product listings to Google is that you need a Merchant account as well as an Adwords account. Google Shopping works on a per click ratio with about $11.30 spent for every $100 in Sales. Read More on Moz.
On Your Website |
Zebra calls for detailed products with descriptions, images, ingredients and other details such as weight. Well written online store policies and return instructions are needed. You need to have shipping and tracking of products in place and your shopping cart needs to be able to update. An FAQ Forum with general questions and answers can be helpful as well as a way for users to register or login. All in all it is about quality and user experience.
Getting an edge |
Zebra does seem like a way for Google saying you need to pay to play. Search Engine Journal has a nice Merchant of Doom Preparedness Kit that might give you the edge you need. Also using social media sites such as Instagram and Pinterest would be a crucial part of driving traffic and getting leads.
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