I have finally reached the mount of this incredible burden to make SEO easy! I approached a Lutheran non-profit in Westfield MA called Ascentria to help with job creation 2 months ago. They work with refugees coming to the USA and empower them while strengthening communities.
I showed them my slides and gave them some printouts but it was too difficult and needed to be non-verbal or I could not help. Since then I have been sleeping about 4 hours a night working on making this easy enough to understand. I am not at the non-verbal stage with my presentation yet but hopefully will be soon.....
After getting a tremendous amount of guidance from Sharon Byron, who specializes in explaining concepts in a visual universal language, I believe I will be there soon.
So last night, I was able to finish a document of my combined PlugInstitute (live but archive site) work of the past 7 years in a few pages. It explains the beginning and the end of marketing in a table with four legs, all equally important to be able to reach your audience.
You can see and print the Checklists by following the links:
Marketing Plan a) Direct Traffic - Branding Templates b) Social Traffic - Social Media Management c) Referral Traffic - Link-Building d) Organic Search - Content Marketing
This morning I had my first test subject Tom de Maria from Hair Unlimited CT in Suffield. I have been working with Tom for a while now but as many of my clients he has had trouble fully grasping the whole big picture. You can believe it, SEO is NOT EASY and very few gets it!
I am so thankful for clients like Tom, persevering sticking with me while changing the process over and over and over to try and make it easier. The amazing part here is that Tom understood! For me that makes all the late hours and endless scurrying for the week's childcare-check so worth it! I have reached the mount! We spoke about what this could mean for small business owners, leveling the plain, empowering them to help themselves. We spoke about the power of Social Selling and how having a 'face' online can help to create perception. How we are in an era of educated consumer who might pay more to support local than to buy at big box empires. About sweatshops in China having suicide nets to help pay for my $5 shirt. We also talked about being grateful for so much freedom and about my friends post that absolutely breaks my heart!
To me this blog marks the beginning of an era in my life. Can you imagine creating a generation of small business owners all supporting each other and not big box empires? Then we can go teach China how to boost their economy with entrepreneurs....
Pray for Me. I have a long way to go. Next I need to create a typeface of icons that I will probably call Babylon! The writing is on the wall... ((no pun intended)) To all my design friends, if you would like to volunteer and help draw icons in vectors please send me an email! Thanks for reading, I cannot imagine it being easy. My 2nd language English grammar sux! God Bless, @MelienLavoie
1 Comment
Beanie D'Aquila
12/3/2015 12:03:16 pm
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